Saturday, May 31, 2014

Taco Seasoning

This week we didn't eat anything special due to it still being kind of early in the year so we didn't go to the Farmers Market Saturday. Which also happened to had been Memorial Day. I wasn't going to do a post this week because of that but then I thought about it and was like “Hey, you made them tacos Tuesday, remember?” and then I told myself “ I sure did.”

Earlier this week I made tacos for my family (it was on the meal plan). My tacos have come a long way. (If you know me then you know that I could not cook when I had my first child.) After many trials and errors (many many errors) I have finally made tacos that my family loves. It’s all thanks to my own taco seasoning.

Now I don’t make it the same all the time. I tend to switch up the chili powder occasionally.
I switch between Dark Chili Powder, Regular Chili Powder and Ancho Chili Powder. Each one has a different flavor but each one works just as well as the next in the seasoning.

Taco Seasoning

1 tbsp Chili Powder
¼ tsp Garlic Powder
¼ tsp Onion Powder
¼ tsp Red Pepper Flakes
¼ tsp Oregano
1 tsp Paprika
1 ½  Ground Cumin
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp black Pepper
1 tbsp Cornstarch


Mix all of the above ingredients and store in a small airtight container.

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