So we picked up collard greens (we used these for dinner that night), strawberries, 1 cucumber (cucumber water goes really fast in this house), our unique looking tomatoes (2 red and 1 yellow), snow peas, kohlrabi, cherry jelly (wont buy it again it was like honey to us), two brownies (Mmmmmm), and a nice oregano plant (I have a black thumb so my oldest will care for it so it can live).
While there my girls also joined in the sidewalk chalk contest and even though none of them won they did have fun and came out all kind of wonderful colors. Would have had a picture of it but my phone died right before they started out.

She just could not wait to get to dig into the strawberries. While sorting out everything she decided to steal herself one. Needless to say that the strawberries did not last a full day in our house, but then no fruit lasts in our house.
We had a great day and a great meal (we had collard greens, cornbread, oven fried chicken breast, mac and cheese and used one of the tomatoes to go with the greens). I think everyone should visit their farmers market and get some fresh food once in a while. I personally like going to ours two days out the week once alone and once with my family. Sometimes depending on what is in season I will go three times but two seems to suit my family well. I am able to make meals with what I get from Saturday until Tuesday and then Wednesday I go again and that lasts us until Saturday again, so I pretty much have a set routine for us during the summer. When we go on Saturdays we not only pick up fresh fruits, veggies, meats and cheeses but there also be a lot of festivities going on at our market that makes a trip to market a full and new experience every Saturday.
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